The developer to whom the project manager at Site A assigned the new change request sees that he has a new "High Priority" work item. 被SiteA的项目经理分配新的变更请求的开发者将看到他有一个新的“高优先级”的工作条目。
This article discusses the Autonomic Request Flow Manager, which can throttle lower priority traffic when resources are limited. 本文讨论AutonomicRequestFlowManager,它可以在资源有限的情况下限制低优先级的请求流。
Since the new change request has a high priority and will affect other work he is doing, the developer decides to work on it immediately. 由于新的变更请求有高的优先级,并且将对他正在进行中的其它工作产生影响,开发者决定立即对其进行工作。
Engine No.1 is overheating, probably due to bird ingestion on take-off, request priority landing at runway36R. 一发超温,可能是在起飞时鸟吸入发动机,请求用36R跑道优先着陆。
Request priority landing at runway36R. 请求用36R跑道优先着陆。
Arbitration Strategy Based on Early Arbitration and Request Waiting Priority 基于提前仲裁和请求等待优先的仲裁策略
The spherical bearing applies to request priority equipments and parts of the simple situations, such as used for agricultural machinery, transportation system or construction machinery. 外球面轴承优先适用于要求设备及零部件简单的场合,例如用于农业机械、运输系统或建筑机械上。
An applicant may request for one or more priorities with respect to one patent application; if more than one priority is requested, the term of priority shall be computed from the earliest priority date. 申请人在一件专利申请中,可以要求一项或者多项优先权;要求多项优先权的,该申请的优先权期限从最早的优先权日起算。
Which is why your request is a priority of mine. 所以我会优先考虑你的请求。
Where a request for making corrections is made, the applicant shall pay the fee for correcting the claim for priority. 申请人提出改正请求的,应当缴纳改正优先权要求请求费。
The mathematical formula for real-time detecting parameters and bounded delay of each priority user's requests is built by combining the priority scheduling policy with queue theory, and the dynamical admission control and dispatching policy are implemented to control the request delay of each priority user. 通过结合优先级调度策略和排队论,建立了各优先类的用户请求实时检测参数与限定延迟间的数学公式,以实现动态的接纳控制和分发策略,达到控制各优先类的用户请求延迟的目的。
Education for all-around development of college students is the inevitably request of higher education, it is also the priority project in the new century to raise high quality talents, on which the higher education researchers must perform earnestly to study. 大学生素质教育是我国高等教育事业发展的必然要求,是新世纪培养高素质人才的重点工程,高等教育工作者必须加以认真研究。
During the negotiation, RA waits a little moment after it receives the first request of the batch, therefore it can schedule according to the priority after all steps of this batch have been put into the queue. 在协商过程中,RA收到一批任务的第一个请求后首先等待一小段时间,当这批批任务的工序全部进入等待队列之后,再按照优先级由高到低的顺序安排加工时间;
Otherwise, according to the priority and the network condition, the server adjusts the bandwidth of every request dynamically so as to reduce the package loss rate and to provide high-level priority requests better video quality of service. 在服务过程中,根据优先级和网络状况动态调整每个流的带宽,使丢包率低于一定的阈值,并保证在相同的网络状态下为高优先级请求提供较高的视频服务质量。
It is urgent to improve public transportation service level, with well joining and cooperation between urban rail system and bus system, which is also the request of transit priority policy in cities in China. 实现城市轨道交通与常规公交系统协调衔接,建设一体化公共交通,是提高公共交通服务水平的迫切需要,是公共交通优先发展战略的内在要求。
A task will be assigned the highest priority if the deadline of its current request is the nearest, and will be assigned the lowest priority if the deadline of its current request is the furthest. 当前发生请求的任务的截止期最近,该任务的优先级最高,反之,该任务的优先级最低。
Especially the Priority of the Contractor whether to include profits, and consumers Priority of the Contractor the right to housing transfer request, a number of competing Priority of the Contractor when the repayment order and so on, may have some innovation. 特别是对承包人优先受偿权是否包含利润、承包人优先受偿权与消费者的房屋过户请求权、多个承包人优先受偿权竞合时的受偿顺序等问题,可能具有一定的创新。
This paper presents a systematic description of the "transport capacity constraints"," approval policy", "request priority" and other key concepts, and a model and algorithm for automatic approval is also proposed. 系统化的描述了运输能力约束、审批策略请求优先级等关键概念,提出了自动审批模型及其算法。
Data block priority is whether the data block data block is for the first request and priority needs to ensure that the data blocks reach the client on demand and reduce the client latency. 数据块优先级是指该数据块是否为优先请求的数据块,该数据块是否优先需要。保证数据块能够按需到达客户端,减小客户端的延迟。
In order to satisfy the request of QoS, this new algorithms divide multiple services into three types and deposit them in different priority queues. 该算法中,为了满足不同业务的QoS要求,将ONU的业务分成三种类型,赋予它们不同的优先级。